4th Marines: Oldest and Proudest


Activation and formation of the Pacific Northwest’s own Regiment of Marines

Dominican Republic

Smal Wars Marine Corps - Tensions with Mexico and the Dominican Civil War

Mail Escort Duty

Neither gangsters, not bandits nor thugs of the night will stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

China Service

Off to “The Orient”. Political tensions, Japanese incursion, and the birth of The China Marines.

Destruction in the Philippines

Hasty redeployment/reinforcement, fighting retreat, and the burning of the Regimental colors.

Establishment of the Raider Battalions

Edson, Carlson, and institutional inertia. Will personal favors and Far East ideals be enough to create a distinctly new and independent fighting force?

Midway Reinforcement


Makin Island


SW Pacific

New Caledonia

Central Solomons


Reformation and Emirau

The new 4th cuts their teeth.

Liberation of Guam


Occupation Duty

Korea Service

Operation Starlite

Operation Hastings

Operation Prairie

Operation Prairie IV

Operation Hickory

Operation Kingisher

Operation Kentucky